How to write the perfect Enterprise Product Design Brief👌 - Intro

We made this guide to help you and your colleagues who are less fluent with design, frame a problem in a way that’s engaging for designers and developers.

A problem defined is a problem half solved. — Charles F. Kettering, Inventor & Engineer

Dear readers,

We get it. 🖖🏿

You’re rushed off your feet, pulled in all sorts of different directions. 

Every project is different. Everyone you work with is unique. But there’s a way to set up success. The essence of every problem starts with a design brief.

A document that lives with the project. 

We made this guide to help you and your colleagues who are less fluent with design, frame a problem in a way that’s engaging for designers. 

Because just tasking a designer isn’t enough anymore. If you want a great outcome, you need a great brief.

In this series, we will cover the key topics you need to create a great design brief: What? Who? Why? When? Where?

This is something we care about a lot.

As a UX agency, we spend a lot of our time creating briefs for our own design team.

We specialise in designing Enterprise experiences: B2B tools that corporate teams, managers, and specialists use. It’s challenging work, and it’s certainly not for everyone. We mention that to say: We know what it’s like to work on difficult projects like yours.

And we’ve found that the best way to energise creatives is to inspire them with the problem. We figured, that if we could help you and your colleagues do the same, you’d get better design outcomes from your own organisation.

Are you ready?

Let’s go through this process step-by-step! Stay tuned.

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How to write the perfect Enterprise Product Design Brief👌 - Part One


Are you solving the right problem?